Friday, April 02, 2010

Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis!


Today is Good Friday & I had the pleasure of serving the devotionals and Mass of the Pre Sanctified today at our Parish where we used the pre-1955 Missal; which if you have never witnessed the beauty, solemness, and deep meaning of the pre 1955 Holy Week it is truly sad.....

Among the many beautiful differences in the 1962/1955, and pre '55 Liturgy I noticed was the great meaning of NOT genuflecting to the Jews. Even the Pagan has a "Flectamus genua" however; because of their mocking of Our Lord by kneeling before Him the Jews do not receive a Flectamus genua.

This made me think of the beginnings of our current crisis within The Church when even a Supreme Pontiff would "bow" to the Jews who mocked Our Lord by changing The Church's Liturgy because of their displeasure, or of current times when a Pontiff would dare to pray like a Jew at the so-called "wailing wall", or a Pontiff who would allow himself to be scolded by chief rabbis.

His Excellency Bishop Williamson said In his Letter to Friends and Benefactors of June 2000:"Down 2,000 years Jews have repeatedly sought to undermine the Catholic Church and to take Christ out of Christendom (leaving only endom or enddoom!)." Also His Excellency added: "Just as the chief priests and ancients hated Jesus unto death, but they needed an Apostle to betray him, so we may blame Jews and Freemasons and others like them for engineering the destruction of the Church, but it has taken churchmen from within to do the actual betraying and destroying."

And this dear friends and readers of this humble blog I ask you to reflect upon today, the day on which Our Lord died.....Will YOU bow to Our Lord's broken and bloody body who died for the salvation of souls, or to the will of those perfidious Jews who persecuted, mocked, spit upon Him, and yes, even succeeded in changing the very Church He established with their venom and hatred which in part with the Modernists has us in this current crisis?

So let us today truly pray:
"For the perfidious Jews that they might be converted to the truth."

I wish everyone a Blessed and Holy Week!

I also had the honour of helping Father Transfer Our Lord to the tabernacle in the Sacristy after everyone left the Church.....

Just Our Lord, Rev. Father, and me signalling the transfer with the clacker.

Oh, my adorable Jesus; how much I love Thee and serving Thee..


Tony said...

Thank you, Brother, for making me aware of your site. Will you be a brother or father?

Brother Hyacinth TOP said...


Brother Anthony,
I will be a Brother....